Discussion 20

Bless it be the name of the Lord, my lovely readers! I pray that you all were safe over the weekend. I took a week off from posting, waiting for a word from the Lord. I don’t like to post whatever I want because whatever message I give, I prefer it to come from the Lord. So, sorry for the delay. Anyhoo, my good people, why on earth are we so gullible? Lately, that question has been weighing on my heart. I hate to admit that we are completely gullible when it comes to the devil. Some may think they’re not, but truthfully we all are because we fall for his tricks and temptations every time, and you know what? I bet he laughs about it and surely accuses us to the Almighty (Revelation 12:10). No good thing comes from the enemy, so why are we so gullible? The answer is simple. We lack knowledge. When we don’t read the Word of God, we lose out on our defense mechanism and leave ourselves wide open to the manipulations of the enemy and his minions. We must not forget that although the devil is stupid to go up against the Creator of all, he’s not as stupid as we think. Unfortunately, he’s been around longer than us, has been deceiving since the beginning of humanity (Genesis 3), and knows our weaknesses. Nevertheless, God has given us His words to outsmart the enemy and recognize his tactics. All we have to do is take the time to read and learn. Learn to not fight against one another and focus more on the spirit behind the person. King Jesus wants us to love one another just as He loves us (John 13: 34-35). So, let’s stop being so gullible, get into the Word, and gain knowledge of God. Jesus is coming back quickly! You can do all the good in the world, but if you don’t know Christ personally, like a true best friend, He will announce before His Father, our Father, that He never knew you (Matthew 21-23). So, please study the Word, get to know our Lord, and do everything to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). May the Lord bless thee, and keep thee. The Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace (Numbers 6: 24-26). God bless!


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